REO in the media
White Cliffs unique underground homes and the only place in the world to find "The Opal Pineapple" bring quite a few visitors.
Here's just a couple of links to REO in the media, enjoy.

Red earth opal &
January 16, 2017
"Heather Ewart visits White Cliffs, a tiny underground outback town known for it's opal mining and underground dugouts."

red earth opal &
July 6, 2018
"The Red Earth Opal Mine is a great adventure for visitors giving them a taste of the honeycomb of diggings under their feet. Graeme gives a lot of his time in this excellent value tour with a running commentary of wit, knowledge and love of opals — and finding them!"

Red earth opal &
"Red Earth Opal - The Opal Mine Tour is located in White Cliffs. For travellers who use our custom trip planner, White Cliffs holidays become easier to arrange, with trips to the Red Earth Opal - The Opal Mine Tour and other attractions mapped out and timetabled."

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Sydney Morning Herald
Graeme Dowton, an opal miner and tour operator with is company Red Earth Opal, in White Cliffs NSW, who specialises in rare pineapple opals.

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Pineapple opals: White Cliffs, NSW is the only place in the world you can find them.

Red earth opal &
Visit NSW
The town of White Cliffs is home to Australia's oldest commercial opal field. Mining began here in the 1880s and people have flocked here ever since hoping to find their fortune. Go underground into a working mine with the Red Earth Opal Mine Tour and try your hand at uncovering these glittering gems.